Version 19.2

Hello again,

Here is a lightning fast follow up patch for Lords of Illic. To my surprise I have managed to add in a lot in just a week - the improvement in my testing scenes I talk about in this entry helped a lot. It is a small change, but I have added models for different abilities. If you look very closely you can see each character has their weapon on their back or belt until its in hand for combat. It is difficult to see the abilities in the heat of combat (I have kept the effects and animations largely the same), but I no longer need to think about how it would be cool when I am trying to fall asleep. Without further ado here are the patch notes:

New Features:

  • Added in ability models for all abilities (excluding unarmed)
  • Added in variant models for the following abilities: Calamity, Cleo beam, Shining Blade, Phoenix Flames, Crystal Compass, Golden Blade
  • Improved Animations for bows
  • Added a delay to visual effects for bows

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a white patch on Umeko’s model
  • Fixed issue where if an enemy was defeated its debuff effects remained visible


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12 hours ago
LOI Build 321 MB
12 hours ago

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