Version 17.5

The time has come, the Walrus said. With AVCon so close there is not much choice regardless of what a Walrus may or may not say. 

Somehow or the other I think the new build is just about ready. Which is great news of course but at the same time not a great situation. Having your game next build is only half the battle. When going to an event there is more… At least I assume so in this case this is my first rodeo. Whatever the case, there isn’t much time left so this will be the AVCon build.

It has been a while since the last version, hasn’t it? May first I believe it was. I have gone from not even being able to get a build out in a year to it not even taking three months. Which is why I need to remind myself - I am making progress and things are getting better. More tests, better code and a better game. The highlights of this patch are:

  • Improved UI layout and colours
  • Complete controller support
  • New textures for tiles
  • Less waiting times on input
  • A final story scene with a unique CG
  • New Visual Effects for abilities (mostly basic ones)
  • Fixed numerous UI glitches
  • Fixed glitches with restarting turns
  • More input is bound to input
  • Fixed input glitches
  • Less intrusive tip menu

There are always more to improve and things to do. One known issue concerns the level “Weapon Triangle” in chapter one which it seems that under some circumstances the last enemy on the map will not properly be defeated causing the map to not be completable. I will try to uncover the cause, but if you happen to encounter it, try to restart the game and see whether that allows you to complete the level.

Either way, I am tired so whatever the glitch is it will have to wait until later. Instead I am going turn my brain off and watch some anime. So I hope you enjoy this patch and know there will be many more to come!


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Jul 17, 2023
LOI Build 259 MB
Jul 17, 2023

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