Version 17.10

I think it is time for the next patch of Lords of Illic. This patch was pretty much ready last week, but I decided to immerse myself in the wonders of the local museum instead. I recommend going to one yourself - it is far too easy to be caught up in the technological world. The museum is a great place to go to learn about new things and remember how many wonders there are in the world. Once you get back you'll enjoy this patch even more.

The focus of this patch was to get what matters most into the game. Which was all about adding more to the end of the game. This includes new levels, decorative tiles and unique boss enemies. I also fixed some long standing bugs for good measure.

Here are the patch notes:

  • Reworking Aoi’s design to include a star pattern on her robes
  • Adding in 3 new story chapters to chapter 4
  • Adding in new lore entries in chapter 4
  • Adding in lore entries in chapter 1 and 2 about the gods of Illic
  • Adding in speech bubbles on character select
  • New decorative tiles for chapter 4 maps (shrine and statue)
  • A new character is unlockable in chapter 4
  • Making load menu more intuitive
  • Dice icons for ability damages
  • Fixed bug where you could not change to an invalid weapon but the UI displayed that you could
  • Fixed appearance of flower tiles in the snow tileset
  • Fixed drill where Priscilla had abilities she could not use
  • Fixed drill Movement skill drill not requiring the use of movement skills

It is at this point in the list where I wonder whether or not the new chapter one level was included in the last patch. You might think that means that I should work on the patch notes as I go to make it easier for myself. A sentiment I agree with. Anyway I am pretty tired.

See you next time and I hope you enjoy the new content.


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Oct 29, 2023
LOI Build 259 MB
Oct 29, 2023

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