Version 17.12

It has been three months and not the easiest three months, since the last patch. Now it is finally time or perhaps in the words of Sothis “It is almost time to begin.” Time to begin working on new features and not spend most of my time putting out fires. As I began to write this I found a memory leak issue when assigning input to components - a pretty serious issue.  A big issue like this before the patch is not new, what IS new was it actually wasn’t that difficult to fix. Since I had refactored all of the input code so that the control button was the only component that touched the input and it only did so in one place the code I had to change was very small. What could have been a disaster which could have taken weeks to fix I fixed in an hour. What kind of magic trick is that? The answer will be of no surprise to my regular readers (my brother who proofreads my posts) and that is test driven development - but I digress. This is a post about the exciting new patch and as per advice in Game Developer Talks I am making sure this patch has a hero element. Akari’s and Queen’s designs have gotten a rework! 

(I managed to find another glitch getting this image of her.)

(Me too.)

With this everyone has fancy new designs. It marks a moment where I think basically every single line of code and every art asset has been reworked (Well not Praelectus and ah not the square or circle icon but you know…). The game is really a new Illic fueled by what I’ve learnt over the past couple of years. I have figured out a lot more changes by playing Persona 5 Tactica so I am not done yet but well that is a talk for another time. For the moment here are the patch notes:

User Interface:

  • Reworked Illic Map
  • Reworked the shop to be larger
  • You can no longer select items outside of current visible menus in campaign maps i.e. shops under the shop menu.
  • You can select but not equip items which you can’t equip in inventories
  • You can select but not add to cart items you can’t purchase
  • No longer loses selection if no items can be bought in a shop
  • No longer loses selection if no items can be equipped
  • When selecting units for battles you add / remove characters from deployment
  • Added in hotkeys in campaign map
  • Added in hotkeys in story scenes
  • Fixed inconsistent behaviour of menus
  • Fixed inconsistent behaviour of shops
  • Fixed inconsistent behaviour of input with menus

Character Art:

  • New portrait art for Akari
  • Updated Model for Akari
  • New art for Queen Asteria
  • Updated model for Queen Asteria
  • Updated art for Midori
  • Updated model for Midori
  • Updated art for Aoi
  • Updated model for Aoi
  • Updated Art for commander of the Jade Fortress
  • Updated Model for commander of the Jade Fortress

New Content:

  • New Drill Level in Chapter 1
  • New Lucia Story in Chapter 2

Misc Fixes:

  • Threat Display is persistent 
  • Threat Display overlays multiple threat ranges correctly
  • Fixed glitch with missing arrows for navigation
  • Updated tips
  • Added in additional tips
  • Fixed the resolution options in the menu
  • Shows tips when replaying maps
  • Incorrect name display for description in story scenes
  • Fixed artefacts on UI


LOI Build 260 MB
Feb 10, 2024
LOI Web 146 MB
Feb 10, 2024

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